January Networker Out Now - You Rock!
A Bird’s Eye View of SEHN Heading into 2016
SEHN is all about relationships—our bodies’ and communities’ relationship to the earth, our relationships to each other and our little organization’s relationship to each one of you.
A nonprofit is an ecology. You helped bring us back from the brink by your generous contributions last month and your thoughtful comments. Each donation is important.
We received a donation that came from someone in Canada where the exchange rate into U.S. dollars is poor, the person is ill. You can’t imagine how much that donation means. Others have given to SEHN for 20 years or so. That faithful generosity gives us resilience. Some gave whoppingly large checks, which make the difference between shutting down and keeping the doors open. No matter what the size of the check or how often someone has given, the words that accompanied these donations, the affirmations, magnified the gift.
We want to give back. Reciprocity is what it is all about. What we pledge to you is that we will do our best to bring SEHN’s unique strengths and contributions to sponsor clean water, a stable climate, environmental justice and health.
Stay tuned for the next Networker. We are going to send you a brief survey that will give us a chance to hear from you. In the meantime, if you have any comments or thoughts send them to moreinfo@sehn.org. We’ll make sure that the whole staff sees them.
Thank you for your generosity this year. Thank you for supporting what is game-changing work. We’re so grateful for our community of supporters who make it possible for us to work each day toward our goal of creating a safer, healthier, more just future.
In partnership for the Earth,
Science and Environmental Health Network Team Carolyn Raffensperger, Executive Director Ted Schettler, Science Director Sherri Seidmon, Finance Director Kaitlin Butler, Program Director Ann Manning, Associate Director
January Highlights
SEHN welcomes new Associate Director, Ann Manning![Ann Manning 2](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ad8bb3336099bd6ed7b022a/5b563fd4124f1c89fba029fe/5b563feb124f1c89fba02fc7/1532379115393/Ann-Manning-2.jpg?format=original)
Ann Manning is known as a passionate connector of people and ideas. After attending the 2012 Women’s Congress for Future Generations, she stepped up to lead a team of over 30 women to create the 2nd Women’s Congress in Minneapolis in November 2014. Her work with Future First and the 2014 Congress combined her long-time interest in economic justice with a relatively new awakening to the need to protect Mother Earth for Future Generations and for environmental justice for this generation as well as future generations.
See Ann's full bio here
Is a Health Study the Answer for Your Community? A Guide for Making Informed Decisions
A Collaborative on Health and the Environment Partnership Call: RSVP here
Tuesday January 26, 2016 at 10:00 am Pacific/1:00 pm Eastern Join SEHN’s Science Director Ted Schettler and Board Member Madeleine Scammell, along with Sylvia Broude and former SEHN Board Member Stephen Lester on this CHE Partnership Call.
The ultimate objective of working with communities is to protect their health, reduce exposures to environmental hazards, and prevent future adverse health outcomes. Join one of the primary authors of the Health Studies Guide, Madeleine Scammell DSc, Assistant Professor of Environmental Health at BUSPH, for a discussion on Tuesday January 26, 2016 at 10:00 am Pacific/1:00 pm Eastern about the considerations that might influence a community decision about whether or not to do a health study, and the types of studies to choose from. Sylvia Broude, Executive Director of the Toxics Action Center, a BU SRP community engagement partner who has used the Guide with communities in efforts to organize and educate activists about environmental health issues, will also speak. Stephen Lester will describe his experience using the guide with communities facing these challenges and decisions.
Read more, access additional resources, and RSVP Here
A special edition of Green Street featuring Carolyn Raffensperger
Tuesday, January 26
8pm - 9pm Eastern Time
WBAI 99.5 FM, New York Full episode will also be made available here Green Street Radio, a project of Grassroots Environment Education, welcomes Carolyn Raffensperger, Executive Director of the Science and Environmental Health Network and the organizer of the conference that produced the Precautionary Principle. Carolyn discusses the Precautionary Principles' rise as a cornerstone of environmental activism and decision making. Don't miss it!
In Case You Missed It: Writing from SEHN Members
Cancer, Stem Cells, and Bad Luck
Breast Cancer Prevention Begins in the Womb
Utah’s Hopes For Oil Shale Bonanza Has a Public Relations Problem, Industry Symposium Hears
It’s Time to Take Back the Law
A New Ecofeminism: Fulfilling our Sacred Responsibility to Future Generations.
Thanks for sharing in the work of environmental public health and justice.
Connect with SEHN on Facebook and Twitter. Share your ideas with us atmoreinfo@sehn.org